which sets the table to a successful process.
A small shift in those factors can pave to way to a better negotiation with better results.
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Course: Preparing to Negotiation - PTAP
Course: PTAP
Course Price: $19
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Course Price: $19
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Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, Crisis Management & Mediation
16 Minutes
5 Lessons
English, Hebrew
Lifetime Access
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$9 Worth
Negotiating a Commitment
Negotiating a Commitment
Course Summary
One of the most essential things in negotiation is the preparation stage. The preparation stage can set the difference between a success or a failure of negotiation, making this step a crucial part in the process.This course discusses the different aspects of the basic elements for every negotiation, simple or complex, and how we can influence those aspects in oder to improve the process, and the result.
What you'll learn
- How to prepare to negotiation in a proper way
- The importance of the main factors while setting a meeting
Michael Tsur is Founder of the first program for training negotiation as a profession achieving the level of negotiation specialist, Shakla & Tariya.
One of the most essential things in negotiation is the preparation stage. The preparation stage can set the difference between a success or a failure of negotiation, making this step a crucial part in the process.This course discusses the different aspects of the basic elements for every negotiation, simple or complex, and how we can influence those aspects in oder to improve the process, and the result.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understanding the importance of the preparation stage to negotiation
- Choosing the correct terms to conduct a negotiation, thus improving the possible outcome of the process
- Influencing the different aspects of negotiation, which can make the difference between a success to failure
Course Modules
The course includes the following modules:
The course includes the following modules:
1.  Introduction - The importance of preparation
In this lesson, you will understand the importance and significance of proper preparation to negotiations, often related to as PPP – Purpose, Process, Payoff, or as we prefer to address it – PPP: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. -
2.  Participants
As a first step, in order to create an effective process and avoid “interrupting parties”, we must think and decide who are the parties that we wish to negotiate with. Whose presence is crucial to the process, who is supposed to be a part of the process, their roles, their ambitions and their potential contribution to the process. In this lesson, we will learn about the importance of planning and organizing the participants, in order to establish a constructive communication and avoid distractions. -
3.  Timing
Timing is everything? Not necessarily. When engaging a negotiation process, we need to try and influence the time when it will take place, in order to fit all parties and ideally accomplish its goals. The meaning of timing goes further than just the “when” – time of day, exact hour or even which day of the week. Timing can be referred to as the situation itself, which can be related to the period, the term, or in certain cases the entire era. In this lesson, we will see that the timing of the process impacts the chances of success. An improper design of the timing, included the time invested in the design itself, can cause frustration where it can be prevented. As much as it depends on us, we must think and decide on the optimal time to set the meeting and how to coordinate it. -
4.  Atmosphere
What is the desirable atmosphere for the specific process, and how can we enable it? The ability to set, or even only affect the atmosphere, is a major factor in the preparation of the negotiation process. Atmosphere is not only determined by the number or the quality of negotiating parties, but from various external factors which with relatively small investment can be influenced, and again increase our chances of affecting the process and therefore the outcome. In this lesson, we will learn how to set the right atmosphere for the negotiation process and what are the actions which will assist us in creating a promoting atmosphere, such as: making a preliminary phone call, coming to the meeting with a small gesture, maintaining eye contact and more. -
5.  Place
When discussing the location of the meeting, we first need to decide over the desirable atmosphere and therefore try to find out what will be the place which will enable the existence of that atmosphere.