making sure that the apology is efficient and effective.
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Course: How to Apologize
Course: Apology
Course Price: $9
Theater Mode
Course Brief
Course Price: $9
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9 Minutes
2 Lessons
English, Hebrew
Lifetime Access
Course Summary
In this course, we will talk about a 5-step method of conducting an efficient and effective apology. An apology which allows us to take responsibility for the situation, even if there was no intent, while monitoring the amount of damage, if any, and the
ability to restore the relationship and going “back to normal”.
What you'll learn
Michael Tsur is Founder of the first program for training negotiation as a profession achieving the level of negotiation specialist, Shakla & Tariya.
Apologizing in an integral part of our daily life. Even if we understand its essential, sometimes indispensable part, and even if we apologize on regular basis, only few of us know how to make sure that an apology is being accepted on our partner’s side,
and how to make sure there is no irreversible damage to the relationship.In some cases, apologizing can even be abused by our partner, and used as a leverage, a situation which we want to prevent.In this course, we will
talk about a 5-step method of conducting an efficient and effective apology. An
apology which allows us to take responsibility for the situation, even if there
was no intent, while monitoring the amount of damage, if any, and the ability
to restore the relationship and going “back to normal”.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Conduct an efficient and effective apology
- Preserving and improving our relationships
Course Modules
The course includes the following modules:
The course includes the following modules:
1.  Introduction
Apology is not a sign of weakness; it is an integral part of our daily life. As such, we need to perform it correctly, in order to preserve and protect our relationships. In this lesson, we will introduce the method of proper apology. -
2.  The 5-steps method
As human beings, we can’t control everything that is going around us, but we can minimize the damages caused by us to our relationships, whether by act or omission, by making a sincere and correct apology. In this lesson, we will learn the 5-steps of the method to apology, and ow to implement them. Our goal is to conduct the apology process in a structured, efficient and beneficial manner which will preserve and potentially rehabilitate and leverage the relationship.